Bridal Bod - Fitness & Nutrition

Sunday, June 13, 2010

5 Superfoods You Should Know About

Superfoods are a really great way to incorporate powerful,effective, and tasty foods into your current diet. The foods I have featured below are some of my favorite superfoods because they are not only healthy but easy to use and make really great snacks. For example, throw some goji berries into your trail mix - by replacing raisins or dried berries you are adding antioxidant power, protein and minerals in a more concentrated amount than that from dried fruits. Sprinkle some hemp seeds into your salad instead of bread crumbs for an added guilt free crunch filled with healthy fat (omega 3 and 6) and protein. There are many other superfoods which I love and will feature at a later time!

Goji Berries
Chinese, Tibetan and Indian herbalists have been using Goji berries for over 6,000 years. This phenomenal superfood has been used to protect the liver, increase eyesight, improve sexual function and fertility, boost immune function, and improve blood circulation. It has gained popularity for its very powerful anti-aging properties and claims to increased longevity. Goji berries are high in antioxidants and also a great source of protein. They contain 19 amino acids and naturally occurring minerals such as Zinc, Germanium, Selenium, and Iron.

This amazing and now very trendy fruit, native to Central and South America is a relative of the blueberry, cranberry, and other dark purple fruits. Known as an anti-aging superfood it has extraordinarily high antioxidant properties which can help slow the aging process and even prevent diseases such as heart disease and cancer by neutralizing damaging free radicals caused by oxidative stress. When purchasing acai be sure to purchase a product that is freeze dried. I would also be cautious when buying juices as most are pasteurized and since they have been heated at very high temperatures, many of the beneficial properties are destroyed during this process. The result is a highly caloric juice with too much sugar and zero nutritional value! I recommend companies like Sambazon and looking into powders rather than premade juices.

Hemp Seeds
Hemp is a high protein seed containing all 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) our bodies cannot produce. It also has high amounts of fatty acids and fiber as well as vitamin E and trace minerals. Eating hemp seeds in any form has been shown to help people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. Hemp also contains nature’s highest botanical source of essential fatty acid, with more EFA’s than flax or any other nut or seed oil. It has a perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 Linoleic Acid and Omega-3 Linolenic Acid – for cardiovascular health and general strengthening of the immune system.

Aloe Vera has most commonly been used in skincare as a topical solution but can also be a great superfood when taken internally. Its benefits include improved digestion, blood circulation, detoxification (body,blood and colon), and pain relief, but most importantly it is anti-inflammatory.

Nicknamed 'black gold' by the Spanish, cacao contains anandamide (a euphoric substance), arginine (a natural aphrodisiac), neurotransmitters that stimulate and balance brain activity, tryptophan (an anti-depressant), antioxidants (flavanoids) and other beneficial compounds known to have rejuvenating and anti-aging elements. To get the best benefits I recommend purchasing dark chocolate with at least 60- 70% cacao.

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